Friday 4 November 2016

Women Formula - Sexual Weakness (Treatment)

Function & Indications:

Enhance sex drive for women, improve energy, stamina and endurance, restore longer and stronger sexual enjoyment. Provide greater satisfaction to sex life. Treatment for women in sexual weakness, frigidity and for those who just wish to improve their sexual performance and experience.

Administration and dosage:
For oral use only. For adults female only. 4g(about half cover) each time, 2 times(morning and evening) daily, Swallow with ordinary water. 2 weeks is considered as 1 treatment course, and continuous courses are advisable.

Pregnant women, those with severe heart disease, severe hypertension and children are not advised to take it.

Specification: 48.0g per bottle

Storage: Keep in cool, dark and dry place

Women Formula is a 100% herbal product based on a secret formula from China with centuries' history. The pure natural formula will improve sexual potency, increase libido & enhance one's energy & endurance level.

Panax Ginseng 6.4%
Cornus Officinalis 12.6%
Epimedium Grandiflorum 12.6%
Morinda Officinalis 9.6%
Cuscuta Chinensis 9.6%
Ligusticum Acutilobums Etz 12.6%
Cnidium monnien 6.4%
Lycium Barbarum L. 9.6%
Hippocampus Japonicu 4.5%
Schisandra Chinensis 9.6%
Eugenia Caryopyllat 2.5%
Gekko Gecko 4.0%

Women Formula II - Infertility & Menstrual Disorder


Tonifies blood and QI, warms the uterus, nurtures yin, resolves stagnation of liver qi and blood. Use for menstrual disorders due to deficiency or cold, including amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or infertility. Beneficial in post-partum fatigue. Effective for menstrual cramps and pre-menstrual syndrome due to blood deficiency, stagnation and congestion of liver qi. Also used for habitual dry cough or dry skin.

Menstrual disorders or fertility issues. It treats irregular menses due to blood deficiency, light menses, amenorrhea, postpartum fatigue, and infertility. It can also treat other blood deficiency symptoms like dizziness, dry skin & hair, fatigue, postural dizziness, pale complexion and tongue, poor memory.

Administration & dosage:
Oral use only, 1 pill each time, twice daily.

Precaution: Don't use if pregnant.

Specification: 5.5 g by 10 pills per bottle.

Storage: keep in cool, dark and dry place.

Women Formula II is an excellent tonic for women with menstrual disorders or fertility issues. It is also an ideal tonic to regularly supplement the blood and invigorating the body, face glowing with health, regulating menstruation and nourishing the face, keeps one younger.

Active Ingredients:
Gallus domesticus, Panax ginseng, Radix Astragali, Savia miltiorrhiza, Angelica sinensis, White Paeony Root, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Cervus nippon Temminck, Concha Ostreae,Rhizoma Cyperi.

Vigo Capsule - Sexual Weakness (Quick Action)

Function & Indications:


To reinforce the vital energy, strengthen sexual function. Use for Sexual weakness, impotence, premature ejaculation and those who just wish to improve their sexual performance.

Precautions: For adult males only. Prohibited from people with severe Hypertension & Heart diseases

Administration and dosage:
Take it orally with water. Two capsules each time, two hours before sex. Once a day or when necessary.

Specification: 375mg per capsule, 16 capsules per bottle.

keep in cool, dark and dry place

Vigo Capsule is a 100% herbal product based on a secret formula from China. The pure natural formula will improve sexual potency, enhance one's energy and endurance level.

Active Ingredients: (Each Capsule)
Asian Red Ginseng         - 225mg
Cervi Pantotrichum      - 25mg
Epimedium Leaf Extract - 100mg
Syzyium Aromaticum      - 50mg

ST Pills - Stroke & Brain Damage

ST Pills is a pure natural herbal product for prevention treatment of cardiac & cerebral vascular diseases & the sequela of apoplexy, hemiplegia or paralysis. ST Pills was established as a key scientific research project by the State Science Committee and was approved to be produced by Ministry of Health of China. There is numerous scientific data in pharmacology basal & clinical), pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, and clinic trial based on years of research. It proves scientifically that ST Pills has very good effect to proves cerebral vascular circulation to dissolve thrombus, to resolve encephaledema, promote the absorption of focus of cerebral hemorrhage and restoring cranial nerve function. ST Pills also has specific effect for treatment of cerebral vascular diseases, (Such as hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, twisting mouth & eyelid & language disturbance), ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris. It is safe to take without side effect. It is clinically reported that efficacy rate is 94.24% for cerebral vascular diseases & 93.24% for cardiovascular diseases. ST Pills can be taken for prevention as well as for treatment for the above mentioned diseases. Patients recovered from apoplexy are also suggested to take preventive dose continuously for certain period because these people generally are at a high risk of recurrence of apoplexy.

Indications: Hemorrhagic apoplexy, ischemic apoplexy, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, cerebral arte-riosclerosis, facial paralysis, ischemic heart disease & angina pectoris & their sequela like hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, twisting mouth and eyelid and language disturbance. For long-term preventive use in above diseases.

Administration and dosage: For oral use, two times daily. 8g each time about 48 to 50 pills). It can be taken for 10 days continuously with an interval of one day. 30 days as a course of treatment. 3 courses are suggested. If therapeutic efficacy occurs, it can be taken continuously until recovery. For preventive dosage, 4g each time, 2 times daily.

Precaution: Don't use if pregnant. During the period of usage, if you feel a dry-hot sensation occasionally, then you can reduce half dosage or suspended taking the drug for 1-2 days if necessary.

Specification: 80g per bottle. Storage: In cool and dry place.

Spinsure Tablets - Spondylosis

Function & Indications:


Strengthens qi and yang, tonifies kidney and liver, fortifies marrow, tendon and bone, clears damp, relieves pain. A recently formulated patent specific for vertebral calcification following injury, or in spontaneous multiplicative spondylitis. Used for joint pain, tendon pain, bone hyperplasia, vertebral calcification following injury, chronic cervical subluxation, spinal inflammation, spondylosis, slipped or dislocated intervertebral disc.

Administration and dosage:
For oral use only. Take 5 tablets with water each time. 2-3 times daily.

Precautions: Don't use if pregnant.

Specification: 100 tablets per bottle.

Storage: keep in cool and dry place, out of the reach of children.

Active Ingredients:
Radix Rehmanniae, Herba Pyrolae, Herba Cistanches, Herba Epimedii, Calulis Spatholobl, Rhizoma Cibotll, Fructus Ligustri Lucidi, Semen Raphani, Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae, Rhizoma Drynariae

Spinsure Pills - Arthritis, Numbness & Pain

Function & Indications:

Promote (stimulate) smooth circulation of blood and vital energy to relax muscles and tendons, strengthen tendons and bones. Used for rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis with numbness of the limbs and aching of the back and legs, sprain, traumatic injury with pain.

Administration and dosage:
For oral use only. 10 pills each time, 2 times daily.


After every one-week of administration, take 3 days break and then continue. Don't use if pregnant.

Specification: 100 pills per bottle.

Storage: keep in cool and dry place

Spinsure Pills is designed to use some famous herbal extracts to be processed through high technology in GMP standard factory. Its outstanding pain stopping effect & treatment performance have been accepted by more African friends.

Shade Kit Capsule - Weight Losing

Function & Indications:
Slimming, weight-losing, obesity.

Administration and dosage:

For Oral use only. Two capsules each time, one time in the morning, 1-3 hours before doing sports exercise; another time in the afternoon, 1-3 hours before doing sport exercise. Sport exercise should be around 5.00pm to 6.00 pm in the evening. Two times of gentle sports exercise should be lasting for 30 minutes. Massaging your feet on the food mass mat (see page 59). 5-10kgs of weight can be reduced within one month normally. Those who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or stroke should not reduce weight too fast, or consult your own doctor before taking Shade Kit.

Precautions: Pregnant women, patients with severe hypertension, heart disease, and anemia are not advised to use this product. While taking this product, it is recommended that you should drink more water, take low caloric diet and increase physical exercise if you do little usually. Don’t take it after 4.00pm.

Specification: 400mg by 60 Capsules per bottle.

Storage: keep in cool and dry place

Shade Kit is a highly concentrated natural herbal product for weight losing. The bio-active ingredients rich in Shade are extracted from selected fine natural herbs and manufactured with advanced scientific technology. It helps to reduce the weight in healthy way through regulating metabolic system in the body and improving body conditions such as imbalance of nutrition caused by imbalance of endocrine system. It also controls and regulates diseases associated with overweight or obesity, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and fatty liver etc. Shade quickly activates the lipase, speeds up the break-down of the fat tissues, balances the metabolism of people with obesity, regulates blood-fats, and prevents overweight, so as to maintain a slim and healthy body.