Thursday 3 November 2016

Detoxin Tablet - Toxic Heat

Function & Indications: 

Clear toxic and heat in liver, heart, and stomach channels with congestion due to phlegm-heat. Symptoms include constipation, fever, inflamed throat or gums, red irritated eyes, ear-ache, toxic swellings, delirium, toothache, headache, dizziness, and oral ulcers, fever.

Administration and dosage: Oral use only. 4 tabs at a time, 3 times daily after meals.

Precaution: Don't use if pregnant.

Specification: 60 tabs per bottle.

Storage: keep in cool and dry place

Detoxin Tablet is a well known ancient Chinese herbal formula for removing the heat and toxin from the upper body, which can lead to typical symptoms like throat heated feeling, mouth ulcer and toothache. 

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